Joel Osteen Under Fire For Allegedly Refusing to Help Hurricane Victims (Reaction)

Hurricane Harvey which swept through the Houston area of America and took lives and displaced families has also placed Lakewood Church head pastor Joel Osteen at the center of a social media crisis. The 54 year old Preacher with the 'perpetual smile' came under fire when he refused to admit displaced persons into his facility which houses 54, 000 persons a week for services. Claims of being unable to do so due to flooding and counter claims of deception began to float through the social mediascape causing the author of Your Best Life Now to trend on twitter and not in a good way. Even though the latest reports say the Church may finally be opening it's doors, twitter is still not pleased. As one detractor states below It is fascinating to watch how the world (Christians included) pounces on a public figure after he makes a real (or imagined) mistake. The twitter mob was up early today ready to burn the Preacher at the stake, citing him as a fraud...