
Showing posts from March 5, 2017

Ajebutter Problems

Let me level with you here. Problems are like housewives, they’re always home when you get there, serenading you with what if this and what if that. You can’t get rid of them because you know, it’s for better or for worse, and all those mistresses may distract you, but your problems never go away, they remain, hounding you. I read recently that you would care more about your toothache than a tsunami killing millions in China. Problems are relative, like the argument that there is no greater sin and no lesser sin, all problems are equal. But how could that possibly be? How could I get upset at the fact that there is no money to butter my bread while some rich man’s son is throwing a tantrum because his maid used mayonnaise instead of peanut butter to make his sandwich? Doesn’t sound fair does it? Well it goes on and on. Killing a Chicken to accessorize your Christmas rice may seem trivial to you but to the vegetarian or animal rights activist is outright cruelty.  There are

The Egyptians You See Today

Here I am seated and afraid of my own thoughts, I am running tired. Basically I have been on the same spot for too long and I have no idea what lies next. People say I should take a leap but then I don’t even have strength for the lift, so I am seated, wondering. How much of the uncertainty can I take? How much more can I give? Here I am wondering... Here I am standing, looking over my shoulders and staring at the shadows trying to catch up with me. Oh, I know, I read it when He said, even when I walk through the valley and all around me is the shadow of death that I should fear no evil but see, the thing is, I don’t know how not to fear, so here I am standing, asking you to teach me, Teach me not to be afraid. Here I am bent over, I have tried to be strong for too long but I have come in total surrender. Life has pushed me to my knees and I was told that I fight best on my knees, so I am here asking you to take the wheels and help me face this storm; I touch the sky every ti