The Day of The Dark Knight

Other than the fact that we share a name in common, there are many reasons why I love Batman. His is the only comic book lore that remains consistently true to itself. Even if you've read only three batman comic books in your life, several things become readily apparent. He is a tortured hero whose self-sacrifice springs from great loss. He is anchored by the moral code of never killing his antagonists, he believes in justice, and most of all, he perpetuates himself as a myth, as more than a man in a bat costume, but something otherworldly, that cannot be killed. So what in the world does this have to do with God? A lot, in fact I don't think anything exists that is not inclusive in the narrative of God. In Genesis 1 the bible reveals that " God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also. " As you must know, scripture openeth scripture, and a great deal of weight must be given to word...