Why I Will Never Be Christian

What if I told you the word Christian was not a revelation ? It wasn't . Your mantra, your go-to label, your safe little box that you tick on forms was no revelation of the disciples of Christ, it was in fact most likely coined by the unregenerated, carnal minds of the world. So what's the harm, it means Christ-like doesn't it? Yes, the same way that I could tell my crush that her beauty is like a dove (singular similarity) or my nemesis that he moves about like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour. In both these instances I am stating matter of factly that the one is not the other. My crush who is like a dove does not have wings, she cannot fly, doesn't have the brain of a bird and is not a specie of birds. My adversary is merely making pretenses, like a child after watching Lion King. But scripture reveals to us that it is closer to the truth to say that you are Christ than it is to say that you are Christlike. In Daniel, after Nebuchadnezzar thre...