Why You Can't Learn From Your Mistakes

Hocus pocus. The idea that you can learn from your mistakes is like being a pro at Marco Polo (a game where one person closes his eyes whilst another gets as far away as possible, then the blind person shouts “marco!” and the other shouts “polo!”, and the blind person is to find the other using sound alone). Problem is this hide and seek game is played in the swimming pool. Same game, same water but I bet the variables will change in the sea in the midst of a storm, or in a lake in the midst of swans, or in a river in the midst of rocks. I don’t know, maybe you’re like me, maybe you haven’t lived long enough for life to repeat old questions, and as long as that is the case, you’re going to need a whole lot more than just learning from your mistakes. Life is exactly like the math teacher who gives the simple questions out as examples whilst the more complex ones come out in the test. You find yourself unprepared for the X’s and Y’s, the variables that turn your examples ups...