On The Eve of Doing Something Terrific

It was a terrible, terrible day. I mean, what Amri did to those 12 people is unforgiveable, not to mention Trumps gonna make a lot of nervous nuclear trigger fingers even more uneasy with all his macho talk, but this, this was the worst! First of all, Herods men went around committing infant genocide by killing male babies like Christmas chickens. Then the Innkeeper had the nerve to tell me-the goose about to lay the golden egg, that there is no room for us (notice he didn’t say there’s no room, he said there is no room” for us”, as in lower class, poor people, you know the same way you get to a really nice club, but then the bouncers look you from head to toe and say VIP is full? Yeah, like that. Not that I’ve ever been to a club anyway, that’s from another century.) Mary. Mary, Mary, Mary! You’re gonna bear a son, and he is going to grow up to do all this wonderful things, but nobody ever told me that it was going to suck this much. And suck isn't a word I expected would be ...