The Unbelieving Suicide Squad

There was a time you wanted to die. You may not know it, you may be over it now, but I assure you, without a doubt that there was a time when somewhere deep in your psyche, you wanted to climb up to the roof of a burning building, drink some cyanide, inject yourself with aids, put a bullet in your temple, and jump down to a certain, gruesome death. Don’t believe me? Just watch. Romans 6 talks about how the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. It reveals to us that eternal life is a gift (as in a present, not strived for, not earned, not acquired, but gifted), whilst death is something we actively sought after as workers of sin. Let me put it this way, when we were yet sinners, we worked in a company which paid in a bullet to the head. Our flesh signed the contract, our flesh knew what it was doing, but somewhere at the back of our mind we knew that this thing, one day, would kill us. Only a very few people get to ever realize it before it’s too la...