CAMP NOU: A Million Voices, One Truth

There is a popular casting crown song with titled 'the voice of truth.' The song is a soft rock gospel song that tells the listeners the troubles that surround them, the voices that will seek to gain godlike authority in their heads and which voice to believe and listen to. Life is not a bed of roses, some will say, others will say it is a world filled with ups and downs, I agree, partially. The reality of your life is dependent on the voices that gain power in your head. The voices in the world are those silent, sometimes loud words that echo in our hearts, our heads and on some other days our ears. Life is like a football pitch and we are the players. In a football pitch, when one teams is dueling against another, the ball moving swiftly from one player to the other, sweat dripping from bodies, feet running, muscles straining, their minds trying very hard to keep up, to win, there are lots of voices in and around the stadium that might either buoy the players to better ...