You and Your Daddy Issues

Daddy issues are like secrets, everybody’s got them, and almost no one likes to talk about them. They arise out of a lapse, perversion, or total non-existence of a relationship between a father and his offspring. You’ve heard it said that a loose girl who dates or marries a sugar daddy (old, pot-bellied aristocrat) is merely venting her latent daddy issues. And that a boy or a man who is constantly seeking the love and approval of his peers is due to the insufficiency of the same from his dad. Psychologically speaking, this is all true, spiritually speaking, you haven’t even scratched the surface yet. But before we get all deep and serious, let’s look at a brief history of Dads shall we? Dads arose out of a need for balance. The woman progenitor nurtured, salved her offspring in a safe, comforting place called home. The male progenitor however, accoutered the offspring, provided him with the tools to survive out there in the wild. The offspring ran to the mother for warmt...