The Avatar State of Spirituality (Air vs. Earth)

Just like every church is one nation under God, serving towards a similar goal, the Air Nomads and the Earth Kingdom played a critical part in Avatar: The Last Airbender. The two fictional nations banded together in the universe to upset the tyrannical reign of the Fire Nation. The beauty here is that both these sides are entirely antithetical. Air can be light and lithe, earth on the other hand is intrinsically heavy, rigid and ungracious. But together they made for some of the most dynamic fighting the animated series ever provided (just look at the fights between Toph and Aang). Two variant nations that shared an Avatar and an Earth King in common seem like an odd pairing, but nothing unites more than a mutual enemy. Yet in today's world the liberalistic church of grace and the older, more conservative church are at cross hairs, constantly pointing their fingers at the noses of each other, spotting the holes in their opposing theologies. That's why Pentecostals thi...