As the EDO 2016 Governorship elections draw nigh and both parties make a point of prostituting mediocrity to Dumb and Dumber proportions (what is Greatest Gbo Gb, Greatest Gba Gba if not the language of backwardness?) I can't help-despite myself-but to be in reverential awe of the importance of politics, in every sphere of our lives, even our destinies. It occurs to me that this great big life is not so unlike the HBO series Game Of Thrones. It's full of twists, turns and good people getting bad karma , even Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 14 "Here's something that happens all the time and makes no sense at all: Good people get what's coming to the wicked, and bad people get what's coming to the good." Is that what happened to Ned Stark or what? Everyone is also more or less politically motivated in their perception of wrong and right, and nothing captures this better than Jamie Lannisters confession that the people he's killed and the other horrible...