Subway Surf And Eternal Life

For a moment there we were all running wild and free and forever, until we tripped or fell and some monster reared its ugly head and swallowed us up. That was Temple Run, an Android game whose popularity at the time seemed to know no end, and whose gaming potential did know no end. But then came along Subway Surf, more urban and relatable, a little kid being a little kid running away from some guy in a uniform at the subway, awesome. What does this have to do with anything? Well I was awaiting a vehicle the morning after the climax of the phenomenal Jam Summit 2017 at Balm of Gilead, trying to pass time playing a cracked and cheat empowered Subway Surf when it hit me, this is precisely what eternal life is like. The cheat made it so that I had unlimited lives in the game. I could get caught a thousand times, and save myself a thousand times because I had an unlimited supply of “keys”. In a similar way Jesus gave us a cheat in life when He gave us life and life more abundantl...