Prayer Warriors vs PRAYerrrrr Warriorrrs!!

There's only one fleeting instance in which I subscribe to Boko Haramic methods, that is when, after a long day at work (IT), I lay my head to rest on my vaguely uncomfortable bed and begin a vaguely uncomfortable pilgrimage into the dream world, only to be awoken by "Alabado shok raba ba ba ba ba gbosh tolo carta GBA DOSH!"-a prayerrr warriorrr. This time it's my neighbour next door, screaming at the top of his lungs through laser thin walls that wouldn't even stifle a whisper talk less of a war cry. He goes on and on like this for no less than 30minutes, divulging to God and the rest of the now disturbed world about the evil serpents after his family, the spirit of poverty troubling him and the cat outside that moonlights as a witch (I may be getting hyperbolic here, but you get the point). I'm bringing this up, because I'm a believer and I find this grossly irritating, so how would an unbeliever feel? (And the Prayerrrr warriorrr says I don'...