SCAR: Noun - A permanent mark on the skin sometimes caused by the healing of a wound (English Dictionary- Offline). Figuratively- A permanent transformation caused by a hurt. Scars could be a result of a personal mistake or someone else's oversight. Sometimes, memories linger because they (scars) leave you with stories to tell. On my left hand is a little scar from an accident I had about a month ago as a result of someone else's mistake. I was in a "Keke" (Tricycle), lost in thoughts of somethings I had to sort out. Suddenly I was jolted back to reality by an abrupt turn made by the "Keke" driver. What I saw was a car almost hitting the tricycle from my side and the tricycle turning over while in motion as I heard the crushing sound of glass and iron. Thank God we all got out of the tricycle alive. However, the driver had a serious scratch on his left arm and was bleeding heavily. The lady who sat beside me had some se...