Have you ever tried to change? It’s a messy business, whether it’s changing a thousand naira note, or an impression, or a country. The promise of change is in itself rhetoric (powerful and persuasive speech). Just think about it, telling a close friend you’re going to change your great and flaring temper, or a parent that you’re going to change your disrespectful demeanor. You cannot promise change without an elevated language. No husband says “Okay darling, I’ve been cheating on you, but now I’m going to change.” No matter how genuine the intentions behind the statement, no emotionally bruised wife is going to believe it. But with the same intentions say “I realize that I haven’t been the man I ought to be, the man that you deserve. But I have found that I can’t live without you, and cannot live with you whilst subjecting you to such great pain. I love you, and I’ve decided to change.” Just like that the marriage is back on track, because for the language of change to work, it...