The Top 5 Most Ridiculous Love Songs On Your Playlist

There used to be a time when we lay sprawled like a dismantled jig saw puzzle on our beds, listening to Inconsolable by Backstreet Boys and painting the bloody entrails of a broken teenage relationship on our white ceiling. Back in those days there were the love songs and there were the break up songs. These days, as the world spirals further into a nebulous nothingness, love songs are only break up songs in disguise. A number of them still grasp the patience, kindness, peace, gentleness (a la Timberlakes "Mirrors") but most seem to have forgotten that loves a good thing, that is great, beautiful and pure. Of such, here are are the most ridiculous . 5. Beyonce- Poison Halo was good, Broken Hearted Girl was fair, this, well, let the lyrics speak for themselves. I suppose there are less romantic ways to commit suicide, but you know what's better than dying, living to love some more, and again and again. 4. Bruno Mars- Grenade I bet you can't guess ...